Brooke all clean after bathtime
Leaving the hospital with our girls!!!!
Well, it's June...4th, I had to check the date! The girls have been home since June first at 5pm, just in time for their 5pm feeding. It was quite a busy time since everything we needed was in bags from the hospital but we got it done- the three of us against the three of them and WE won!! Well, at that feeding at least. The first night was sheer adrenaline. The next night was rough and last night was pretty good. Our babies were scheduled during their week in the NICU so they just stay on that and we are OK- not great but OK. Last night our Miss Marleigh stayed up rooting around from her 8pm feeding all the way till the 11pm feeding. I wound up feeding both Marleigh and Brooke (who always eats first) at the same time. Everyone behaved after that and I was able to sleep between the feedings.
The schedule is wonderful to have but still rough. We feed every 3 hours and it takes about an hour and a half to get through all three girls, leaving about an hour and a half to check up on things around the house or sleep. This is why I haven't been able to update my blog- sleep is my main goal at all times. I am doing fine now only because I had my mom's help this afternoon and she had brought dinner so I know we don't have to worry about that. Dave is back to work for a few hours each day. The feedings only require one person but it's nice to have someone available to put a binky back in or get the next lady ready to be fed. Dave will be home for the 5pm feeding time and since it might be bath night I will head to bed after that.
Our first bath night worked wonderfully! I was so tired afterwards but everyone got bathed and there was not one peep out of any of them. We had an assembly line going and it would be even more effcient if Elle were available too but we don't always ask her to stay. She is so helpful in other ways with feedings and running errands. Our first bath night we used every blanket, towel and washcloth we had- it was hilarious! Once we really get the hang of it things won't be so crazy.
We had a home healthcare nurse come by to check on us yesterday and she was terrific. She helped in so many ways with the girls, she propped up their mattresses (seems simple and logical) so they can still lay on their backs after feedings and not choke if the spit up. She super swaddled each one and had lots of other handy tips. Dave is a much better swaddler than I am, I have been temped to wake him up to help swaddle someone but have just managed on my own.
Our doctor is wonderful, she ordered the home visits with a nurse so we wouldn't have to come in the office to check their weights. She also called the morning of their discharge to see if we had any questions and then again that night to see how things were going- she is a super woman!
I have calls out to check the references for a night nurse- we definetely can use one! She will come in and do the 11 and 2am feedings, I can come downstairs and then sleep in the nursery until the 5am feeding, or Dave can do that one before he goes to work. He is only working for a few hours each day for now- thank goodness for his flexibility.
I will back track with some other info:
Leaving the hospital- what a sight!!! One man thought we were crazy, carrying 3 dolls in carriers around hospital. Dave heard his wife, "Those are their babies you fool!" The man still didn't believe it. We got plenty of stares and craned necks as we passed by. And of course every meth addict that was visiting a friend who was there from a stupid motorcycle stunt had to try to get a closer look. I'm not even kidding! Skinny, pale, bad teeth, shakey people kept trying to peek into their carriers while Dave got the car. Mama Lion was ready- "STEP AWAY FROM THE BABIES!!!"
Let's not forget little 'ole me:
I hated the c-section. I don't think either way is ideal for any amount of babies to leave a woman's body but the surgery was horrible. Laying there awake while they pull people out of you is NOT a good thing. Also, the surgery filled me up with fluids and air. My legs, ankles and feet were enormous and it was hard to get around with that along with my incision. The air in the belly might have been worse. I was almost bigger than when I arrived to give birth but now it was hollow- it was like having a drum! It literally echo'd when I beat on it- I did have to find my own entertainment at times. My feet stayed large until today- the other day I looked like a walking funhouse mirror- skinny on top, big round belly, skinny legs until the knees and then big fat ankles and feet.
We are feeling pretty good about sharing in the babies schedule, but I know it's gonna wear on us soon. We get about 5 to 6 hours at a time, just one of us, the other only getting 4 or maybe 5. We flip-flop nights on who does what and it never fails, each of us gets a turn with a fussy baby. Those babies love spreading the nighttime joy between both of us.
I do find myself tearing up while feeding, during the day after I have slept well and can enjoy these little wonders. I can't believe they are all ours to watch grow into beautiful ladies. I love that each one looks different and we can almost distinguish them by their cries. They are so tiny that they don't cry much but when they do, it's something!
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