Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week 13, telling EVERYONE!!!

What a fun week! The Christmas cards have gone out and we are receiving tons of phone calls. It is so wonderful to be met with such support and happiness. People at work have been terrific and my schedule is flexible for when I'm not feeling well or have doctor appointments. One of the cutest reactions to our news was our 85 year old neighbor who did a little dance and then had to sit down!

My belly is definitely growing, bigger every day. One of my books say that each baby will weigh about the same amount as two iPods by next week. I look like I have a 100 iPods in my belly right now!! My appetite is growing, I'm always hungry but I have no real cravings- well, maybe just one. I love french fries right now- who doesn't but that is the only appealing thing I can think of when hunger strikes. I have already been caught trying to hide the evidence, I buried the McDonald's bag but when Dave got something out of my car he smelled the fries!

Elle is busy with finals but has found time to make list of boy and girl names that she finds acceptable. Bless her heart! Dave and I have been busy with figuring out what car to buy to fit everyone, discussing car seats, planning on two bathroom remodels, clearing out the basement and repurposing the living room as a baby/playroom.

We are looking forward to Christmas and New Years to spend time with family and friends, we have so much to celebrate this year and into the next.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A recap of the past 12 weeks, part three

Dave and I went to see our new doctor and just loved him. He spent well over an hour talking with us about mulitple pregnancies and addressing our questions. We scheduled an ultrasound at the hospital on their "big" machine for December 10th. I had bought a few books on mulitples and began reading which helped ease my worries of how my body would handle it and what I can do to make sure they are as healthy as possible. We knew that they would be born prematurely and were slowly dealing with that- the thought of leaving the hospital without your baby/babies is scary and sad. One of the main ways to ensure the health of our little ones was to add calories to my diet. I will not say the amount of weight I am to gain, but I will be a large marge when this is all over! I am trying to eat as many good calories as possible but I haven't felt good for quite some time and it's hard to eat.

At our ultrasound on Dec. 10th we were excited and nervous. We had not seen the little angels in a few weeks and were wondering how things were progressing. We were thrilled to see all three and they finally looked like babies- with heads, arms, legs etc. The technician made us a video of them and it's so hilarious. Babies A and B are active and moving around and Baby C is laying there with what looks like an arm behind it's tiny head and the only movement is the heartbeat. That is when it all hit home for us that all three are fine and will make it through the pregnancy. We finally officially felt we had triplets!!!!!!! A doctor from the practice came in to go over the ultrasound again and she told us that each baby had it's own home (amniotic sac) and own refigerator (placenta) and that is wonderful sign that all three will grow at an even pace and the outlook is very good. We are so happy to have an instantly large family and we are fighting over who gets which baby already! I keep reminding Dave and Elle if they claim a baby they have to keep it, at all times, no matter what. That means the little one goes to school, work, job sites, prom whatever! I will hopefully be able to post pics and the video soon.

A recap of the past 12 weeks, part two

I made it to exactly 6 weeks feeling fine and then I began having complications. I had two previous miscarriages, each time growth had stopped at 6 weeks, and I just gave in to the thought that it was over. Dave met me at the doctors office for an early ultrasound, one week earlier than scheduled, and he too had seemed to accept that this was probably over. I cried in the waiting room and as the ultrasound began and no one will EVER believe the shock we had when the doctor said he found 3 heartbeats. They looked like little flashes of light within 3 seperate dark circles. We were stunned, all of the sadness and worry went and was replaced by our atonished faces. The doctors office put me on bedrest and I was to come back in a week for another ultrasound. I worked from home and that was a life saver- it really helped pass the time. My mother came out almost daily to help with meals and just straightening up. Dave and Elle both worked hard to keep the house up too and I really appreciated all the help.

The next week we still had all 3 heartbeats and I was allowed to be veritcle again! I still took it easy but was thrilled to leave the house and receive a bag of baby information, complete with a pacifer and tiny, little diapers. I was told the name of some specialists to contact regarding a mulitple pregnancy and began researching which new doctor I would see.
Within days I began morning sickness, I looked and physically felt horrible but I had never been happier.

All was well for almost a week and then the complications began again. I had not made an appointment with the specialist yet so I went back to my infertility doctor who check and said all three were doing fine but to lay down for ANOTHER week. This time there wasn't as much work to keep me busy and I began to have migraines which the doctor said was due to the medicines I was on to sustain the pregnancy. I was uncomfortable but always had the idea of my babies in my aching mind and eventually I felt better. I made it off of bedrest and was seeing my specialist soon!

A recap of the past 12 weeks, part one

After a very long and painful journey with infertility, we were finally at the day of our blood test, October 21, 2009. My blood was taken and I asked the office not to call us, under ANY circumstances, and to wait for Dave to call when he had time. When it's negative news, you need to be prepared, alone and sitting down. I would then call Dave when I finished work at 2pm. I began crying at 2:01 that day, on the way to my car. I started calling him but there was no answer. I sort of hoped he was waiting at my car with good news but he wasn't so I started home. He finally called as I was driving. He was at a job site near our home and was trying to get there before me so we could celebrate together! The test was positive!!!!

The doctors office was so excited that they called Dave earlier and told him as he sat in his office with his partner. He had known for hours and was plotting how to tell me- one choice was to wait by my car! He decided he would be at home when I arrived but got held up. I called the doctors office to get my numbers (pregnacy hormone) and they were high. She said that it could be one or more. I began day dreaming of twins! I use to walk around the house saying to myself, I want to fill this home with children, and my chance was on it's way... little did I know how full this house would become.

Well, the news just pulm wore me out and I slept for a hour or so. Next was to tell Elle that she will now be a big sister, finally! Being the hip parent, I texted her and she responded in all caps that she was thrilled too! After that we just went about our business, never acknowledging the possibility of more than one baby. My ultrasound was scheduled for November 7th and I was to continue my medications to sustain the pregnancy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

My Favorite Day....EVER!!!!!

Today is Elle's 17th birthday. It's always been a favorite day, the day she was born- the day I became a mother. Well today is even better! She woke up and told me that I was receiving a gift today because I worked so hard 17 years ago to have her!! I can hardly believe that she is 17 and I really can't believe my good fortune of having a grateful child/teenager.

Today is also special because of what will come in May- our three little angels. It has been 12 weeks and the doctors feel good that all three are secure and will continue to grow just fine. My prayers have been answered in that my daughter is a good person, happy with her life, has goals and future ahead and I will have the wonderful opportunity to start over with it all again. We are all so happy to be expecting these little babies, they have brought such joy with just the thought of them.