Monday, June 27, 2011

13 months old!

Marleigh and her first cake

Brooke loved her first cake

It took days for Sophia to finally try her birthday cake!!

Well, I do apologize for the lapse in writing in the blog but these little angels are moving a mile a minute! Ever since Brooke began to crawl on Christmas Day (7 months old) things have been in constant motion. Her crawling led to gating off spaces and then making those spaces safe- a never ending task. Toys are constantly being removed because Brooke has learned to stand on them.

Everyone is walking; Brooke at 10.5 months, Sophia at 11.5 months and Marleigh on their first birthday. Brooke is actually running at this point if she has enough space. They love walking outside and we often go to our neighbors flat driveway to let them roam.

They have been sleeping through the night since just after Christmas and what a difference that makes in all our lives. They only wake now if someone is sick which generally means an ear infection. With 6 little ears we are at the doctor plenty for check ups!!!

They all have about 8 teeth with many more popping up. They look like children now with all the teeth instead of babies which is sad for us- what short year.

Here is a peek into our day- both good and bad:

7am- Bottles are delivered and diapers changed; just switching to milk this week!

7:45 Breakfast is served- no more spoon-fed meals for us unless it's yogurt. Fruits and Cheerios are placed on their table till the pancakes, toast or waffles are ready. No syrup yet but they love butter!!!

8:15- change out of food-covered jammies into the next outfit to be destroyed by lunch.

8:30 Play inside, go for a walk or swing.

9:15 Down for nap; Brown Bear or Hungry Caterpiller is read to each girls as they head upstairs.

9:30- 11am- Julie's down time: Clean up bottles, breakfast table and floor; shower (maybe), straighten playrooms, laundry, dishes, prep for lunch. Think about dinner

11am- 11:30- kids are up and play in their room (supervised) before lunch.

11:30- Lunch is served: turkey, ham or chicken with avocado, fruit or veggies (frozen and thawed peas, corn carrots, green beans, edamame etc). Toast or crackers, goldfish, baby puffs

12noon- play time, walk or run an errand with the kids.

2pm- Nap for all three and then I clean up lunch, prep bottles, straighten playrooms, repack diaper bag if we were out, maybe clean a bathroom, more laundry, forget that I want to make dinner

3:30- bottles and playtime. This is another window to go out and play or run an errand.

5pm- freak out that Dave and I need dinner and babies cry in the playroom while I throw something together to be ready by 5:30-ish

5:30- dinner is served- they will eat some of what we are having but it's generally a repeat of something from the lunch menu.

6pm- playtime, bath, walk- time with mommy and daddy generally.

7pm- install babies into jammies before melt-down is in full swing

7:30 bottles, Guess How Much I Love You is read, sound machines on, projector on, lovies in cribs and lots of kisses goodnight.

7:45pm- clean up dinner for us and them, prep for breakfast, laundry and some "together time" before bed for Dave and I.

This is the new and improved schedule that we are in now- it was fairly crazy a few months ago when we were feeding all three babies spoon-fed meals, then spoon-fed with finger foods.

We try to do something each day- even if it's a walk around the neighborhood- being stuck inside is hard on all of us. Rainy, snowy, or super hot days just kill us. Hot days we can get out in the early morning or maybe a quick run to the mall for variety but if the weather is bad we are stuck!! That's when visitors are wonderful- Elle's friends, my friends, strangers- just anyone!

Brooke is our adventurous one always trying new things and inspiring her sisters to follow along. She loves climbing into baskets and sitting on toys, I'd like to get her a chair but I think they will just all stand on them. She adores shoes, ours and theirs. She knows that putting on shoes means we are going out somewhere and she becomes very excited. She will go into our laudry room and come out with matching pairs of shoes- the first time she saw all the shoes in that room her eyes just lit up- JACK POT!!! She is learning to say hat and says "tickle, tickle, tickle" all the time. She says MOM but not mama. She loves riding in the car with the windows all open and throws her hands up like it's the Screaming Eagle ( and some days it probably is). She is not a big snuggler, she has a lot to do during her day but will snuggle some at nap time. Not sure if she has a favorite animal like her sisters do right now- she just loves everything!!! Her favorite foods are anything with butter and meats. They all love cut up grapes. She laughs when we peek in the playroom window at her and when the neighbor cats rub up against her.

Marleigh is our music lover. She bobs her head whenever she hears music and loves the various pianos that are in the playroom. Anything that sings is her favorite toy. Almost everyday they listen to patriotic music- it's the only thing on my iPod that play for several songs that is completely appropiate. They all dance to the music while playing toys but Marleigh just lights up when it starts. Her favorite animal is a cat. Our neighbors have cats and she just loves to see them and gets so excited and waves. It's a pretty good start to our day if we go on a walk and see a dog, cat, our neighbor Pat and maybe swing. Marleigh likes to snuggle in the morning with me, as I lay on the floor wondering what the heck to do all day with 3 babies she comes over and lays on my belly and smiles at me. She has a binky to go to sleep and as I read her naptime story she will lay her head on me and snuggle for a minute but she really just wants to lay down in the crib. She is a good eater and has tried scrambled eggs, mangos, peaches, blueberries, strawberries and others with no fuss. When given her first chocolate chip cookie she laughed the whole time she ate it!!! Her smile is huge and can light a room.

Sophia- snuggle bunny!! She is such a sweet, loving girl. She especially loves our story time before nap and could snuggle forever if I had the time. Now, with her sisters- she is a thief! She always wants what someone else has and goes after it with gusto! She would walk around with her lovie all day if we let her but I try to keep it as just a bedtime thing. She loves dogs and makes the "d" sound whenever she hears a dog barking- smarty pants Sophia!!! She is the most vocal of the three and does this hilarious siren noise. Dave and I had the monitor outside on the patio one night and suddenly heard her making this crazy noise- now all of them do it but her's really sounds the closest to an actual siren. She is a good eater but I think would prefer if we fed her instead of just placing the finger foods out. She has been the best at trying new spoon-fed foods but is a little reserved with the new finger foods. Sophia usually laughs at the funny things she says or the fact that we have no idea what she is saying- either way she thinks she is hilarious.

That's all for now, I will keep up with pics and posts a little better from now on!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We've got a crawler on our hands!

Playing after breakfast

Sorry, it wasn't sideways before posting!

At their first birthday party-

Brooke on her feet and about to fall- she has had one bruise, one fat lip and one good bump since beginning to crawl- hello emergency room, it's us again!!!

If I can actually write a post once a month we will be doing good! I remember from when Elle was a baby that just when you get a little comfortable with the routine that it all changes but this is insane. Brooke began crawling on Christmas night. Just an inch or so but it counted. She is quite the handful and it's an awfully good thing she has a helmet on these days. She crawls, pulls up on things and climbs. When she is in her crib she stands up and then screams that she can't get back down, she looks like she is riding a roller coaster- hanging on for dear life and just wailing.

The changes for all 3 are miraculous and wonderful. Marleigh has her 2 bottom teeth coming in and loves to show them with her big smile. She is getting up in the crawling position but hasn't gotten the whole moving thing yet. Brooke has one bottom tooth coming in and Sophia fusses some like she is getting one too. Everyone can sit really well, except for Brooke who rarely does it- no need to sit when you can move. They are realizing more and more that each other is around and tend to look for one another after their bottles. We think they are so content playing since they are never alone. They laugh when they see each other and it's just darling. They are beginning to notice each other in their cribs too. I have all 3 upstairs in the nursery and the downstairs area is a playroom. I will have to include pics when we get everything decorated. I have planned the nursery and playroom for years and it's so exciting to finally have it all!!!!

They are about 16 and 17 pounds now but much smaller in size than other babies their age. There are 2 other babies in our playgroup that are relatively the same age and they are much bigger. We went to our first birthday party, it was so cute that the girls got party favors! Our neighborhood is booming with babies and in 5 years our bus stop will be crowded. The couples are all fun and nice but soooo young!

Solid food feedings are going well, everyone is eating cereal and veggies. I won't introduce fruits until they eat green beans really well. Right now I am making their baby food and it's pretty easy. Dave said I didn't need any more chores to do but when I told him it saves money and it's so good for the babies he agreed it was a good idea. They eat sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, zucchini, and peas. I tried to make my own cereal but NO one liked it and it just wasn't worth the effort. It can take up to 15 trys to get use to a new food and re-training them on cereal just isn't worth my time. Commercial cereal is FINE.
We are really thrilled with our babies, they are even tempered about most things. They don't fuss when they need changing or during the changing; they like bath time; enjoy eating bottles and solids; never fuss in the car; play well etc. No one takes a binky so that's one less thing to wean them from down the road. Some days are crazy with short naps or teething but for the most part things are terrific. Honestly if they start to nap for a long time and regularly I'll go crazy with joy. Their sleep habits are the only tough thing we have. They sleep well and all night but their naps can be short and make for a long day or a super early bed time. Early bedtime means early start the next day- not good for mama. I perfer them to wake around 8am, today was 6:55 and boy was I a fuss! Thank goodness Dave was home since we had a bunch of snow and helped out for the first hour.

I do have help during the week now, can't remember if I mentioned it last time. It's been wonderful now that Elle's birthday and Christmas is gone and now I can get out and do what I want and not constantly shop for gifts that had to be wrapped. My focus now is getting the playroom and nursery decorated. Also, with Brooke crawling I literally can't leave the room unless she is "caged" so gone are the days where I could run the vaccuum or wash the bottles while they played. Those chores are for nap time and when nap time is only 30 minutes, 3 times a day... not much gets done!!! Mary is a huge help with so many things, the babies, cleaning bottles, organizing, straightening ect. It's like having another me only she is much more motivated while working- I tend to complain a lot.

Despite the long post, I can't remember all the things I wanted to chat about so if I remember soon and have time you'll hear from me again.

Happy New Year to all!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Fun

Marleigh, Brooke and Sophia

Daddy and his girls

Brooke, Marleigh and Sophia

Brooke, Sophia and Marleigh

What a busy time for us! Happy times but busy times. The girls had a doctor appt. and they are just HUGE! Brooke is 13lbs, 13.5oz; Marleigh is 15lbs, 1oz; and Sophia is 15lbs,7oz (which she carries in her thighs!!!). We usually carry them around in our arms or the stroller but for dr. appts we use the car seats and boy were they heavy, plus we haven't worked out in a LONG time.
Brooke has her helmet and is doing great with it on all day and night. Now Sophia may need an eye patch to correct her left eye from crossing. We will have to find something for Marleigh! For Halloween we can have a pirate and a skateboarder but Marleigh's costume has yet to be medically determined- LOL. Thank goodness all the issues with the girls are nothing serious and can all be easily corrected.
The feeding is going wonderfully and the table is big help. Sophia is a BIG eater and sits with her mouth open and ready. The other day she was in the middle, leaning forward and busy eating while Brooke and Marleigh were laughing at each other. They are really getting cute and doing this stuff more often.
The trip to see Santa was a hoot. We went to Frontenac thinking it would be less crowded but since Santa is soooo popular everyone was there today! We waited a long time in line but of course seeing him was worth it. Sophia was crying and Santa just kept singing her name trying to help her. Marleigh's hat fell over her eyes and Brooke was mesmerized by him. After we got them all settled on his lap I turned around and saw a crowd of shoppers watching and commenting. This will be our life- constant interaction with complete strangers asking all sorts of questions. We are so thrilled with our girls that we don't mind but sometimes it's awkward.
Rough day so off to bed for hopefully a full night of uninterrupted sleep.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello again, are you out there????

At our special feeding table 11-30-10

Marleigh, 6 months old 11-25-10

Sophia 6 months old, 11-25-10

Brooke 6 months old, 11-25-10

Is anyone still checking this to see if I have time to post? I doubt it but here goes.

It's been a very tough 3 weeks. We lost our night help which was so essential and then my dad's appendix burst and my mom has been nursing him back to health so there went my day help. So poor, poor Julie had to do it all alone. Dave of course helped as much as he could when he came home at night but night is about a 4 person job and I was spent after doing the middle of the night and all day. I don't want to minimize Dave's help but we realized it wasn't enough. He came home every night and helped when we had help over night and during the day. In the past month we have started solid food, worked on going to bed un-swaddled and awake, sleeping through the night and then we all got sick. Oh, and we hosted Thanksgiving this year but that was a blast and the girls had plenty of arms to hold them and I got quite a break that day. So, there are my excuses for not entertaining you all with our shennigans. Here's the latest:

They are all rolling over and working to get toys out of their reach and wanting to sit up. Brooke is up on her elbows whenever she is not on her belly. We have placed bets on who will crawl first. I think it's Sophia because she does everything first but Brooke is going to give her a run for her money, or my money! Brooke is a determined little love and has begun scooting in a circle on her tummy to acquire all the toys she can. Marleigh is not even in the race- she is our... observant child (read lazy). She just hangs out and watches her sisters laughing. She plays with toys and rolls but really is only interested in people, music and books. She is NOT interested in eating solid food! I have been "presenting" it for a month and she won't open the gate. Brooke and Sophia are ready to start eating cereal twice a day and begin on vegetables but Mars is just holding out.

Brooke is getting a helmet next week to fix her head. The back is completely flat, it will not effect her vision or chewing but it might effect her later in life with wanting to pop on a baseball cap or get her hair wet around others. It's pretty darn noticeable right now. She will wear it 22 hours a day for about 6 months. Here come the good times- they say it doesn't bother them but we will just see about that!

They of course are not napping well so I have to go but enjoy the pics and I'll put more up later of Brooke in her helmet.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Marleigh; 13lbs

Sophia; 13lbs

Brooke; 12lbs

The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sophia, Brooke and Marleigh
5 months old, Oct. 25th
Happy Halloween to everyone! This year is all about us, the adults, having fun with the babies. Maybe even next year I'll get to choose their costumes but after that it will be all their show. It's been quite hard to catch all three smiling but thanks to my mom making antics and singing, they all smiled for this group pic. Marleigh always smiles and her whole body smiles with her- her arms and legs curl up and join in the celebration!! Sophia smiles the most when we sing her special song or when she is held up by our faces. Brooke smiles and laughs when she is kissed on her cheeks and nose.
We are part of a neighborhood playgroup and we finally made it to someone else's house. We had it at our house twice since it's hard to get my girls somewhere at 4pm. Brooke absolutely loved being somewhere new and watching all the big kids (1 and 2 years old) run around. Sophia played nicely with her toys but Marleigh was slightly fussy. She was only happy when held which surprised me since she seems like the smiley party girl. It's exciting to already be hanging out with the kids my girls will start school with in 5 years.
We are trying to do more with the girls which has been good for us too. We took them to the park for Elle's senior pics and had their pics taken too; they were only fairly cooperative. We have also been to the park to meet our friends and their kids, running errands etc. It's getting harder to get out and go for walks or to run errands since they tend to fall asleep while riding along and then mess up their nap time which then messes up the entire day!
Have a wonderful Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Marleigh in the jumperoo

Brooke, the future President

Sophia looking precious!!!

OK, lovely, wonderful, precious babies.... but they won't hardly sleep during the day! I will try to continue to post pics of them but it is getting harder. Hopefully I will get time to write about their personalities because those are blossoming too. It's almost always fun even though it's a lot of work and there are still more good days than bad days.
Thanks for checking in and hopefully I'll get some Halloween pics up soon.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

3 months old

Elle's first day of Senior Year!!

A picnic on a beautiful day

Brooke, 3 months old

Sophia, 3 months old

Marleigh, 3 months old

Hooray, we have made it to 3 months and things just keep getting better. We discovered that Brooke has been suffering from acid reflux and is now a changed baby since we started her on the medicine. She can actually enjoy her awake time without screaming and sleeps much better too.
The girls are all around 10lbs and doing so well. The smiles we get are just amazing and they are starting to "talk" and coo. They sleep wonderfully at night, waking only slightly to take their bottles and then right back to sleep. They sleep a total of 10-12 hours. I have just started waking them in the morning so they don't sleep the day away and also to establish a nap routine. The nap stuff is going OK, it's only been 2 days so far but going well. I am trying to get them to sleep in their cribs for 2 naps/day. They all did great from 11-1 and now at 3:30 I have 2 in swings and one possibly waking in her crib.

Their personalities are starting to show also. What a hoot these girls are! Sophia is good as gold and just smiles and is so content. When she does cry her little lower lip comes out and she makes the most pitiful pouty face. You can't help but try to make her world all better.
Marleigh is our party girl. Her smiles are just huge and she is the last to fall asleep at night and wake in the morning.
Brooke is our thougthful little angel. She is smiling more now that we have fixed her acid reflux and she make the cutest expressions. She always seems to have something going through her mind and it shows all over her face- definitely no poker games in her future. We also discovered that Brooke looks just like the little elf in the Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, the elf that wants to be a dentist. Now we narrate all her expressions to go with her desire to become a dentist.
Well, the new nap schedule worked pretty good. The girls were a lot less fussy in the evening and stayed awake for a very long walk. I hope tomorrow is as good as today!

We are getting out lots now too. I have mastered leaving the house with 3 babies and enjoy going to the park for walks. We try to walk our neighborhood everyday but it's great for me to get out, go through a drive-thru and then for a walk. I don't do the mall much since we will get stopped so often and people can't keep their hands to themselves. I don't know what I'll do this winter when it's cold and flu season and I can't get out.