Oh Joy! The girls are one month old and growing like crazy! Brooke is now 6lbs and Marleigh and Sophia are each 7lbs. Sophia is projected to be bigger than Marleigh by the next weigh-in on July 3rd since she has consistently taken all of her bottle at feedings. Marleigh and Brooke have not been as cooperative with that- makes life fun! They are all growing into the newborn clothes but Brooke does tend to swim in them.
We had WONDERFUL help this week. Our sister-in-law, Jan, came from Kansas City to stay with us and it allowed me to get the sleep I needed and also accomplish the birth announcements and also go visit my friends at work. It was so nice to be able to do things I have been wanting to do and feel confident that the girls were not only been well taken care of but oh so very loved! Our night nurse was also on vacation this week so we really would have been in trouble without having Jan to help us. She enjoyed her time with the girls and wants to come back again if we will have her- OF COURSE!!!!
We will be able to have our friends come over to help with feedings now that the girls are at their 40 week due date and doing so well with their weight gain. We still have to be extremely cautious with them and the germ factor but at least we can accept the help that has been offered so generously. I am working on having some instructions written up, despite my doing this every three hours repeatedly daily I still can't sit down and remember all the things in order. I suppose I'm a little worn out from the past 3+ weeks of this schedule. I will be posting another Care Calendar for "childcare" when I have everything set up. We (me, Elle and my mom) will always be here to help train anyone that wants to help and I will be home while our helpers are here. Having others come into feed the girls will help me to continue to pump- so far that's the only thing in my schedule that I can let go. I have to make the bottles and clean them but I can always stop pumping but I really want to continue for the girls.
We have gone for 2 walks around the neighborhood. We walked out of the house the first night and made it across the street before we were stopped by a "crowd" for about 10 minutes. We used the double stroller since the triple stroller has actual seats which are too much for our ladies. The double stroller seats recline and are perfect for the girls. On my walk by myself the next morning I put Brooke and Sophia in one seat and then Marleigh up front on her own and had a lovely walk with our neighbor. Next week is going to be gorgeous weather and I plan to walk daily after the 8am feeding.
We already have some hurdles behind us- sudden need for new bottles and the shortage of preemie diapers. The bottles continue to stink since they have several parts- not the super easy drop in liners that I registered for! I will get to use those soon, I hope when the girls move to a regular nipple rather than the preemie flow we need right now. Marleigh and Sophia with all their poundage are in newborn diapers which are plentiful in our basement stock and available at every store that sells diapers. Now Brooke has about 6 packs that she can use all to herself but I imagine she will be growing out of those soon too but no more emergency runs to several stores looking for the preemie size diapers.
That made me think the other day, "this too shall pass". It's so true, all the little stuff that tends to throw us off passes quickly and so will all these crazy feedings. But, all the good stuff passes too. The sweet tender way they generally sleep after each bottle, the involuntary smiles while they sleep, and their dependence on us - all of that will pass to and be replaced by something wonderful but different. As busy and tiring as some of this schedule is, we love and are amazed each day by these tiny miracles that continue to thrive and grow. This one month has passed quickly and so will the next.
A sad note- Dave is selling the boat, possibly to the family on the driveway right now! I can't believe how much I am missing that boat already. It makes sense to not have the insurance and storage fees for several years but it's just the most beautiful boat and has brought us such fun over the years. We can barely make it to the doctor's office (10 minutes away) between the feeding schedule so there is no way to take the boat out and being gone from them for an entire day seems like a lot right now- it would take a village to keep their schedule up. We will look forward to buying another boat in the next few years and teaching the girls to ski.