Well, the girls are 8 weeks old today and what a bunch of fun we have been having. They are very sweet and have good dispositions. They only fuss when there is a problem and those range from hunger, dirty diapers or just needing some help getting to sleep. A pacifier and a little walk around usually does the trick to get them settled. It has been so much fun getting to know them and learn their personalities. Brooke is the most vocal- whether it's screaming or her version of "talking" she is most always is expressing herself. She does this darling thing when she wants attention- she lets out a little yell, not a scream, just a loud yell as if to say, "Hey! Don't forget you left me in this swing!" If you leave her too long to "yell" it will turn into a full blown scream which sounds like a cat screaming. Good thing we like cats!!!!
Marleigh seems to be the most laid back baby of the three. She generally eats and sleeps. Sophia seems to be the most active right now. She is content once she is fed and plays on the floor for up to an hour without a peep. All of this is subject to change and I have a feeling that they will all switch and keep us on our toes.
We have been busy with switching bottles around constantly! We keep trying new things to find what works the best. The girls started on the hospital bottles and then we moved the the Dr. Brown's bottles and now we are using a combo of the two for the second time. I am pumping to make milk for the girls and we are giving them a separate bottle of that to ensure they get all the good stuff and then the bottle of formula comes next.
OK, I have been gone from this for about 2 or 3 days and we have switched bottles AGAIN!!! We are now using the Dr. Brown's only and just dealing with it if they don't finish the bottle and they waste all my hard work. Things are insane around here with trying to find just the right combo or method to feed them. It seems like every time someone comes to help that I have a "new and improved" system but in the end it all comes back to those silly, expensive bottles really work to save the girls from excessive gas and reflux. Our dishwasher does NOT properly clean the bottles and their parts so it's also back to hand washing 5 things per bottle, and that's 18 bottles a day!!!! No wonder I have to take breaks from this blog- I have to make everyone crazy with the feedings and also wash those ridiculous things!!!
The help we are receiving is beyond amazing and we still can't believe it when people say that they had been looking forward to coming over- REALLY???????? They couldn't possibly be more excited to be here than I am to have them here- it is an enormous help to me to have the company and assistance with even one diaper or bottle. I had a day with NO help and it was almost impossible! They girls were fussy, fussier than they had been, and I think it was due to the bottles nonsense. Elle and I were just running around like crazy with a baby in our hands all day. The good thing is that most days are pretty manageable- that one really knocked me out!
We are getting help other ways too: cookies and an awesome spread sheet to track the girls formula intake that averages it out for me! THANKS STACEY!!!!
When I go to the doctor it's nice to know the average amount that the girls are taking and since they are completely inconsistent it does take averaging. Now I just plug in the amount taken and it averages each feeding quickly and painlessly. I had wanted to make a spreadsheet but couldn't find the time- it's 3:57am right now, my only truly free time to do anything.
Another helpful things is a group is getting together to watch the girls so Dave and I can go out for an evening. I think we are going out the front and sneaking back in to go upstairs and sleep. We actually will probably go out for a little while but for both of us to sleep and miss one feeding on the weekend at night is too good to pass up! We are looking forward to our time out alone and it will take about 3 or 4 people to keep this show running. So thanks to those who are considering coming over to watch the girls on the 30th!!
The girls have really begun to notice things and are quick to stop crying when we hold them which is sweet but annoying since they are quick to cry if we set them down. They still have some gas issues and being held helps so we just juggle them around to try to keep everyone content. They have been noticing the mobiles on the crib and on the swing and having some playtime on the floor with a playgym.
The feeding times have gone by the wayside- at least the part where we try to go in order: Brooke, Marleigh, Sophia. Now we feed whoever is screaming first and try, try , try to hold the others off best we can. Today it was quiet enough to feed them one at a time and I had a minute to really look around and appreciate all that I have. We are so lucky to have the girls be so healthy and then to also have the space for them and all their stuff, enough diapers and formula and friends and family to help us manage all of this. And you won't believe it, but I actually started to cry little tears of joy. Yes, that's right, me of all people crying. Some friends came by over the weekend and gave us a little caterpillar frame with a space for 3 photos- and I cried! UGH- thanks hormones. I don't think they knew exactly what to do but I was just so thrilled to see a space for each girls little picture. Things in threes make me cry now. I'm crying while I type too- I am a mess!!!!! But it's all happy tears, I haven't cried once from sadness or being overwhelmed, only happy.
I am excited that they girls are growing and progressing too- Brooke is still in the Target newborn outfits but Marleigh and Sophia have grown out of them. They are in newborn but Target brand runs small so Brooke has cornered the market on those cute clothes. They are doing "tummy time" when it allows and Brooke just hates it and lays there. She is strong and has some head control when you hold her but she doesn't like being forced into it on the floor. Marleigh and Sophia are fine with it and will lift and turn their heads sometimes. We only do it for about 5 minutes and today they all just laid there- no movement at all. They did play when "flipped over" for about 30 minutes. Temperamental little loves!!!
From now on I will post the day and time that I start and finish a post- this one has taken about 4 days and it's 4am. I have to start and stop so much that I could be typing the same thing over and over.
For those of you in town, feel free to call me if you want to stop by to see the girls and hold or feed them. Or if you are in town call and stop by, we are pretty open to visitors and just need to keep small children away for about 2 more weeks.
Post finished: 7-23-10 at 4:22 am