Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Marleigh Juliette Wyatt; 5lb, 3oz; 18" long; 6:26pm

Sophia Marie Wyatt; 5lb, 1oz; 18" long; 6:26pm

Brooke Elyse Wyatt, 4lb, 1oz; 17 3/4" long; 6:25pm

Doctor Dave, ready to go!

May 25, 2010 will go down as one of my favorite days of the year, my girls came out into the world, healthy and beautiful. It was a whirl wind of events, monitoring, ultrasound and then off to the doctors office for his part which lasted about a minute! He read my protein test and I was told that it was time for the girls to come out. My blood pressure was high and waiting could be harmful to me or the babies so we set off to the hospital which was magically around the corner from his office. I thought at least the walk over would take more time but before I knew it we were on our way to a room and checking in. I called Elle to tell her to get off of work and tried to remain calm, I spoke softly and said the girls would be born today and she screamed, "OK, I'm on my way!!!" and hung up. Dave said to get her back on the phone, she would need someone else to drive her, she was way too pumped up to drive. She finally calmed down and took down a list of what I needed for their birth and had a friend bring her up.

Thank goodness Mary had been by the house to visit me earlier and when she had offered to run an errand for me I agreed and asked her get the book, "On the Day You Were Born". I had been up in the middle of the night the week before and thought it would be neat to have that book signed by everyone who was at the girls birth- doctors, nurses, visitors, family etc. She was so sweet to get the book and drop it off before I had left for my doctor appt. so we happened to have it with us in the car. That book became my comfort inside operating room, I was insanely stressed about the operation and watching the staff sign the book and think it was sweet helped me out- slightly. I was REALLY freaked out. I thought the room would be bigger and the 15 people crammed inside there was very daunting! Dave could see me through the window while he waited in the hallway and said I looked pretty upset. The staff was all wonderful, wiping my tears and talking to me. It really happened fast, there were cries within 3 minutes of Dave joining me in the room. He stood up and peeked over the sheet once and said that was MORE than enough!

After all the ladies were "out", Dave looked like a pinball- bouncing all over the room. "Dad, come over here and cut the cord. Dad, move. Dad, come over here for the footprints. Dad, move over here. Dad, here's a bracelet- wait for more". He of course kept coming by to check on me and the girls were brought to me one by one. I had a very hard time seeing them from my angle, all bundle up but I managed a kiss on each before they left for their weights.

Elle joined Dave in the room where the girls were weighed, I just found that out by watching the
video! Also, I didn't even know he cut the girls cords until I heard him tell someone- it was a crazy time. She was so excited and we have a wonderful video and lots of pics that only a parent think are beautiful.

I was taken to recovery for about an hour and a half and had visitors already- Mary was there with another book, "On the Night you Were Born". So sweet!!! Someone always stayed with me- Elle, Dave, my Mom etc. It was finally time to wheel me to the NICU to see my girls for the first time, name and hold them. Elle told me that she already knew who was who from the list of names we had decided on. I said wait, don't tell me and we will see.

I got to the first crib (clear open bin) and I immediately said, "Sophia Marie". That gorgeous little face! She was placed into my arms and those are my favorite photos of Dave and I since I let him marry me ( he should write a blog if he wants any input). Next was a baby that looked exactly like Elle when she was born, yet 1/2 the size. I knew it was our Marleigh Juliette. I had to grab my mother's attention so she could hear that we named a baby in her honor. She welled up with tears and said how wonderful it was and that we could change it now if we wanted to, it was enough that we had thought of it and offered it- she is a hoot! That made the last little lady our beautiful Brooke Elyse. It was a wonderful thrill to "meet" them finally.

Marleigh and Sophia were initially placed on oxygen, Marleigh our big girl needing the most with a CPAP- forced air, I think and Sophia on assitance with oxygen. Both girls were off before the night was over and everyone was breathing on room air- a big deal!!!!

I was taken to my room, the family all left and I slept with a feeling of peace and love on my face and in my heart.

More of the story to come in the next few days! I'm whooped!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nursery Photos

Here is the crib and dresser, the pink on the dresser are tags of what's inside, just in case some saint comes over and helps with laundry!

Cute new shirts from Brittany, but Dave wants one more for Elle to wear

Here are my Craigslist finds- changing table and glider for a fraction of the retail price.
And my suitcase is ready to go!!!

I love seeing things in threes! And adore my Pottery Barn bookshelf off of Craigslist for all the girls board books!

I love laying on the sofa and seeing the crib and dresser- it helps make the boredom a little easier. Hoping to make it through this week to at least past Wednesday when Elle's finals are FINAL!!! Oh, and my first baby got a 31 on her first crack at the ACT!!! We are so proud.
I'll be sure to post after my Tuesday doctors/hospital visit with any new news. Nine more days and it will be time to party!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

34 Flippin' Weeks!!!!!!!

OK, now I'm getting excited! I have hit my goal and now readjusted it to June 1st. I have a scheduled c-section on that day and I sure hope we make it there- but even if we don't things look wonderful for the girls. Even at the 36 weeks (June 1) they could spend some time in the NICU but there's that outside chance we pray for that they will come home with us.
The girls are also growing- Dave thinks if we make it to June that maybe they can drive our exhuasted butts home from the hospital. Again, the weights are estimates so there is a margin for error but I still like how they sound!
Baby A: 4lb 10oz up 1lb, 7oz from 3lb, 3oz
Baby B: 5lb, 8oz up 1lb, 9oz from 3lb, 15oz
Baby C: 5lb Up 1lb, 11oz from 3lb, 5oz

The ultrasound tech guesses that Baby A is between 4- 4.5 lbs; Baby B at 5-5.5lbs, Baby C at 4.5 - 5lbs. I hope my math is correct on the weight increase- I'm slightly overwhelmed by it all and a little hungry.

All the girls have hair and I'm packing the cute bows and bow "glue" to take to the hospital. The bag is pretty well pack except for the last minute stuff but the names are still up in the air. We may just take our list with us and see who "looks" like who. There are a few things left to do in the nursery like drapes and my bed. I have also found a retired NICU nurse (not the crazy one I meet at Walgreens and saw stealing a power bar) to interview for nighttime shifts so we won't be begging our friends at 2am. Things are really coming together and we appreciate the babies patience while we slowly get ready- bless their hearts.

Oh,those %#(&$ bathrooms! They were going to be finished after delivering the cabinets on Friday but the stain is all wrong and they picked them up to refinish them. The girls will be here before the cabinets for sure! I can't believe all the miscommunication with this one project. I no longer tear up when I hear it will take longer- now I get raging angry which Dave finds some humor in, yet he's a little frightened.

All in all, my spirits are pretty good with all of this. My knees hurt when I get up and now baby A is lodged near my left hip and sometimes it just stops working. The days after my doc. appt. are the worst since my energy is zapped but I just continue to hang out- most likely because there is little else I can physically do. You really don't realize how clumsy you are until you are pregnant and constantly dropping things that you can't pick up. Even if I try sometimes my hip goes out and I can't get to it! My 90 year old neighbor broke his hip about 4-6 weeks ago and is doing better than I am. I think he could beat me in a race with his walker, maybe I should take the tennis balls off it to give me an advantage??!!! All of this is pretty comical and so close to being over that I have no real complaints, except I need a burger and some Texas sheet cake. Time to call Duffy's for delivery!!!

Hope to make another week to do another post.
Please keep up the amazing prayers to help us get to June 1st or really close! I don't want the babies to come early next week because Elle has finals and I know she will walk out on them unexcused to be there for her sisters.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Week 33

Each day is now a milestone for the girls. I am feeling good- very tired but good. My doctor appointments just wear me out. They never fail to last about 3 hours. Dave went to the appointment with me and he got to see his girls on the ultrasound. They do not get measured for weights until next week but we did see Baby B's face and also that she has hair!!! It is so thrilling to know a little something more about the girls. Baby A and Baby C are still hard to see clearly so there is no new news on them. All are active, good heartbeats etc. I imagine that A and C will be hard to measure again- space is becoming so limited for them. We will just have to hope that they are similar in weight to what we find out about baby B. Baby A and B are turned to "head out" but C is still sideways. My belly is just getting bigger and bigger daily. I can finally say that I'm uncomfortable. It's hard to find a position that my belly doesn't rest on my thighs. I may be uncomfortable but I'm so very happy and excited that it doesn't really factor in too much.

My Mother's Day was glorious. I had pancakes, flowers, cards and a pedicure gift certificate. And of course, steak for dinner! I hope all my friends and family had beautiful celebrations as well.

So now we just wait and see what happens. I feel like a ticking time bomb- I could blow babies all over the place any day now. The contractions are not bad and fairly infrequent so we are hoping for a few more weeks. Thanks to all for the prayers, food, visits, calls and flowers. It has really kept my spirits up to have such encouragement from everyone. This is such an amazing time and I'm so happy to share it with so many terrific people.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blueberry Belly!

Here they are... enjoy the laughs at my expense!
I guess Elle is right- I do resemble a blueberry! She definitely is a courageous little girl- those comments can go either way with a hormonal preggo chick!
My doctor's visit went well, the girls are doing great and are very active. I was feeling great on Tuesday also but I paid dearly for it on Wednesday. I slept all day and never felt completely rested. I am now back in my bed upstairs and it is making a difference in how much sleep I am getting.
I have lots of "fun" side effects to this pregnancy like: swelling of the hands and fingers, violent heartburn, pregnancy "mask" on my face. Those are all my own, no one else here knows what all that feels like (the pregnancy mask doesn't hurt, I'm just vain and HATE it). But there is one side effect that I share with the whole house. I snore like I'm cutting down a a redwood forest. Needless to say, I sleep alone! From what I'm told, it's pretty obnoxious. I didn't realize it until Elle stayed one night in the sunroom with me and told me about it. Dave then finally admitted that sometimes he could hear me upstairs... while I was downstairs! UGH!
The baby books are started, my things are laid out to go to the hospital and we are getting a list of names narrowed down. Things are coming together but we still pray the girls will hold out for another 3+ weeks. There is a small chance that they could come home with us after my 4 days in the hospital from my C-section. It will make things hard at home to care for me and them but they would have such a healthy start- although I was looking forward to hosting a Happy Hour in our private NICU suite one evening!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 32- Here we come!!!

Well, it's been a tough week but I'm finally feeling better. The only problem I can really complain about during this pregnancy is a sinus infection. It really took me down for a few days and since our computer was also down I was unable to update the blog and won't be able to post any new pics of my enormity.

My doctors visits now last about 2-3 hours on Tuesdays. Needless to say I'm completely whooped afterwards. I have a mini-ultrasound, monitoring, and then an office visit. I spend the majority of my time in a section of the hospital with the nicest people. The nurse was so sweet and reassuring about my needing an additional test on Baby C since the monitoring wasn't working well with her. My belly looks hilarious with all these monitors and belts holding them in place!! I wasn't the least bit worried about it, with three babies in there it's got to be hard to get the proper readings. She just kept going over and over how nothing was wrong that they just needed to use another method to get their readings. So, of course all was fine and she took my blood pressure and I was ready to head up for my office visit. Well, the blood pressure was high- NOT good!!! She calmly says to go up, let the doc run his tests but there was a good chance I could be admitted immediately. How in the world is my blood pressure suppose to go down if she just freaked me out like that??????? On my long walk to his office all I could think of is: one- I'm not ready, two- it's too early for the babies, and three- I didn't wash my hair!

The blood pressure was down and all the office tests they run each week were all good so no hospital yet. But I did learn that despite my research on all of this, that if I go into preterm labor or my blood pressure goes up (and stays up) I will have the babies- end of discussion. I was under the impression that they might keep me at bay with drugs to help the girls grow longer in the womb but the doc said that works well for singletons but not as well for multiples. I'm sure my blood pressure rose pretty high from the stress of that comment. I am completely freaked out now. I am NOT ready for all of this to change! I have been planning and preparing for months but now knowing that it's literally ANY DAY NOW I just feel that I'm not ready. It all could happen so fast! At best, if I go into the hospital they might hold me off for a few days to give me steroids to assist with the girls lung development but then it's a C-section, 4 days in the hospital and then I would be sent home with my angels staying.

It was also mentioned that I am doing very well and it's completely out of my/our control if I go into preterm labor or the blood pressure rises. Barring those two complications, I could still go for about 4 more weeks. That makes me happy and keeps my spirits up. I know you all reading this would like to lay down all day and eat close to 4,000 calories but it's really hard to do for such an extended period of time. I am also on very restricted driving- only close to home and no highways. Close to home means to the grocery to pick up no more than 3 items- no more shopping trips or WalMart runs. My belly is one inch from the steering wheel! Elle now takes my car to school except on Tuesdays so I can go to my doctor visits.

At least I'm in good company with being worried about having the girls soon- we are all freaked out at this house. There is a new urgency to get things done. It's all little stuff but all the daily chores just get in the way. Dave and Elle are doing everything, along with getting me food and refilling my water. Elle is great with running errands (grocery store, Target, getting me donuts) and Dave is doing all the inside and outside chores plus finishing what he can on the bathrooms. I can barely help at all, it's very frustrating to lay there and watch and not be able to really help. Plus, sometimes they make noise and I can't hear what's happening on Desperate Housewives!!!

I took Dave's car to the Safety Stop at Children's Hospital last week to see if 3 car seats would fit on the bench of his car- WOO HOO, IT WORKED!! I sat in the front seat as the lady installed them all and just cried. "Oh! Honey, are you overwhelmed at the site of three car seats?" Hell no! I'm crying because I'm so happy we don't have to shop for another car!!!! I was so tired, it was after my doctors visit, and the thought of one more huge purchase was too much. It would be so difficult to have to buy a car right now on top of everything. It was a huge relief for us to have that work. But of course, they did not have the car seats in stock that begin at 4lbs so I could not purchase them... another trip down to Children's! Getting the car seats that start at 4lbs is just a precaution- babies do come home from the NICU between 4-5 lbs if they are physically ready in all other ways.

Oops! Almost forgot to update their weights! These weights, and all the earlier weights, have been estimates with a margin for error either way. They measure the head, stomach, femur, and some other stuff and then use a formula to determine the estimated weight. It is now getting hard to measure the girls so the weights are all different. They had me in some strange and difficult positions to try to get Baby A's measurements and Baby C is located under Baby B so it's hard to read her too.

Baby A: 3.3lbs, up 13 oz
Baby B: 3.15lbs, up 1.3lbs
Baby C: 3.5lbs, up 10oz

I am figuring that the girls are in the middle- about 3.8lbs each. I am hopefully that they are all as big as Baby B- she is the easiest to read since she is on top and can be accurately measured. They all have their own placentas so it's not like Baby B is hogging all the food. Oh, almost forgot- Baby C was cracking up the lady doing the additional monitoring test. They used a hand-held ultrasound to finish getting the readings and Little C was using her tiny feet to push off of Baby B. She did it over and over and the lady just laughed and laughed. They are definitely up to no good in that womb!

I hope our old computer gets fixed soon so I can post a belly pic. Elle almost cried she laughed so hard at it- I'm wearing my favorite navy dress and was just thinking I was about the cutest little preggo chick ever... but then she ruined! She compared me to the girl in the Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory ( the Gene Wilder version) that turned into a blueberry. Her comment is accurate too- as mean as it sounds I do appear that I could roll away! So glad to be having more girls- they are so darn sweet!

Probably won't have much to post after tomorrow's doc. visit- but will try to keep things up until I head to the hospital!
Thanks for the prayers and support!!