Hooray for another mini-touchdown! 30 weeks along and no official bed rest. I have hit the stage where things are really wonderful or really bad with my mood/energy. Some days I just can't function and others I'm having to stop myself from doing too much. This is a pretty big adjustment for me, I really HATE the low energy days. Today just happens to be wonderful, I feel like Super Woman. I had an appointment for monitoring and mini ultrasound yesterday. The ultrasound was just to see where the girls were positioned and to check the fluid around them. Baby A pretty much has no choice of where she goes or how she is positioned- she will remain the gatekeeper. Baby B has done a somersault and is now positioned with her head down- right by Baby A's feet, I sense a payback time!!! Baby C is relatively in the same position with her feet near Baby A's head. The monitoring went well and the tech was about the nicest person in the world, come to think of it- all the nurses I came in contact with yesterday seemed to be on Disney Drugs- all smiles and encouraging words. She said the skin on my belly looked good- I think it's absolutely horrifying! She said she see lots of big bellies and mine looks pretty good, especially for 3 babies. She is my best friend.
Dave and I toured the NICU area of St. John's last night. It was a very daunting venture for me. I had cried thinking about it for 2 days and I actually held it together for about 10 minutes of the tour before breaking down. It's very hard to imagine a baby on all that support- any baby! All in all it proved to be a wonderful experience, calming my fears. It was a very positive place with lots of happy nurses. The NICU is divided into 2 places- the North which is where all preemie babies go after delivery to be fully evaluated and the NICU South which is private rooms for the babies as the continue to grow once they are stable enough. When our all of our girls are ready we will have our own room and they are really quite nice. We saw lots of different sizes of babies- anywhere from 1.7lbs to full term babies that needed assistance. We did see a little guy that is 2.6lbs- the same size as Baby A 2 weeks ago. That was a strange sight for us and really put it into perspective on accepting that if they are born now all will be OK and also it's an incentive to continue to eat to help my girls get as far past that as possible. The nurses were all extremely positive and encouraging about my progress to 30 weeks with no official bedrest. They seem to think there is quite the good possibility that our girls will have limited time in the North area before heading to their own private room in the South area. All of that encouragement from people who see these preemies everyday was a real boost for me.
I just began having contractions which are normal at this stage of a triplet pregnancy but still a wee bit alarming. I think it bothers Dave more than it bothers me. He asked me very sternly to stop it- I wish!!! I have had about a maximum of 4 during a 1 hour time period. If I have a 5th one in one hour it's time to call the doctor and most likely be admitted to the hospital for monitored bedrest and drugs to stop the pre-term labor. I have not found a pattern in my contractions, like time of day or activity so I really don't know how to avoid them. A lady told me to drink 2oz of wine to make them stop. No one will get me any and I generally have a real hard time hauling myself off the sofa so I'll just deal with it all.
The contractions did make a difference in the urgency to get things done around the house. The bathrooms are still being screwed up... I mean worked on. It seems that every time they do something they do it wrong and have to come back again to fix it. I have had about 5 full weeks of workers in my house- even on the weekends. I offered to speak to the main guy about the progress but Dave handled it, probably assuming I'll scare them off completely with my impatience and anger. The house is FULL of drywall dust and will need a professional cleaning before setting up the main floor nursery. There is a chance that one or more of our girls could come home with respiratory problems so this place needs to be completely free of dust. I KNOW I will be very happy when it's all said and done but for now I'm just plain aggravated with the whole thing. I will post pics when things get cleaned up- I can't wait for the nursery to be put together and I hope I'm still home to see it happen.
Here are my list of most recent complaints about the pregnancy: my knees ache like I'm 90 years old when I try to get up; I don't sleep well or for very long; I look "a little thick" around the middle; when I tan outside, only the front of me looks good; and the worst: I am the most boring wife in the world. I lay around all day, reading crap because I can't concentrate well or reading baby books, worrying about what to do when the girls go to kindergarten and there are only 2 classes and one girl gets left out, how to be room mom if the girls are in separate rooms, and watching Desperate Housewives which is on for 3 hours each weekday. What man wants to come home to all that nonsense!!!! When he asks me how my day was, my responses go from what happened on Desperate Housewives to the most recent thing I read about that we NEED and how I found it on Craigslist. All this could be the reason he is happy to sit outside every night and BBQ me dinner. By the way, he has no complaints about any of this and constantly appreciates the work I'm doing to grow some babies for him. I just think I'm boring and fairly substance-less. In a matter of a few weeks or so, I'll be too tired and busy to worry if I'm interesting.
I will have another appointment on Tuesday for a full ultrasound and the girls will be measured for their weight then. I will try to post as soon as possible after that appointment with some side-view belly pics.