Hooray, we have made it to 3 months and things just keep getting better. We discovered that Brooke has been suffering from acid reflux and is now a changed baby since we started her on the medicine. She can actually enjoy her awake time without screaming and sleeps much better too.
The girls are all around 10lbs and doing so well. The smiles we get are just amazing and they are starting to "talk" and coo. They sleep wonderfully at night, waking only slightly to take their bottles and then right back to sleep. They sleep a total of 10-12 hours. I have just started waking them in the morning so they don't sleep the day away and also to establish a nap routine. The nap stuff is going OK, it's only been 2 days so far but going well. I am trying to get them to sleep in their cribs for 2 naps/day. They all did great from 11-1 and now at 3:30 I have 2 in swings and one possibly waking in her crib.
Their personalities are starting to show also. What a hoot these girls are! Sophia is good as gold and just smiles and is so content. When she does cry her little lower lip comes out and she makes the most pitiful pouty face. You can't help but try to make her world all better.
Marleigh is our party girl. Her smiles are just huge and she is the last to fall asleep at night and wake in the morning.
Brooke is our thougthful little angel. She is smiling more now that we have fixed her acid reflux and she make the cutest expressions. She always seems to have something going through her mind and it shows all over her face- definitely no poker games in her future. We also discovered that Brooke looks just like the little elf in the Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, the elf that wants to be a dentist. Now we narrate all her expressions to go with her desire to become a dentist.
Well, the new nap schedule worked pretty good. The girls were a lot less fussy in the evening and stayed awake for a very long walk. I hope tomorrow is as good as today!
We are getting out lots now too. I have mastered leaving the house with 3 babies and enjoy going to the park for walks. We try to walk our neighborhood everyday but it's great for me to get out, go through a drive-thru and then for a walk. I don't do the mall much since we will get stopped so often and people can't keep their hands to themselves. I don't know what I'll do this winter when it's cold and flu season and I can't get out.
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