Playtime while switching to the 4 hour feedings, everyone awake!!!

My 20 minutes of peace
We had another check up at the doctor on Sat. and things are going really well. Brooke now weighs 6lbs 15oz, Marleigh is 7lbs, 15.5oz and Sophia is 7lbs, 13oz. These are wonderful weights and we are thrilled to now be moving to a 4 hour feeding schedule. The idea of the 4 hour schedule is much better than the transition!!! We were so exicted until about 11pm when they normally eat and they were ALL losing it!!! I had them content for about 2o minutes all swaddled and hanging out together but then as they seemed OK and I put them in their bassinets all hell broke loose. Sophia was in the swing and doing Ok and Marleigh was in a bassinet that I wheeled around the house as I held Brooke who wailed the entire time!!!! It was a LONG night but we survived and are ready for a new day.
We have enjoyed our walks during the nice weather we had last week and it was my one chance to leave the house. Other than my walks I hadn't left the house for 5 days- I was fairly fussy myself by Friday but luckily I had an allergic reaction to my penecillin and got to go to the doctor. Woo Hoo!
Oh, and Thursday night was a doozie too. After a wonderful evening of help (with the babies, dinner and a cleaning lady) I was walking Sophia who was quite fussy and I noticed blue lights flashing outside my house. Hooray! Some action at 1am!!! As I walked to the window I wondered what the "jerk" did to get pulled over in front of my house... the jerk was my daughter! The car had a brake light out and little did we know, before 1am on July 1st, that our plates expired in June. UGH!!!!! Time to pull out the triplet card. I ran outside with one baby in tow and explained that I had sent Elle to the store for our groceries at 12am to give her a break from helping with our TRIPLET babies. Of course the sympathy ensued and no tickets were given. At least these babies are useful for something other than keeping Pampers and Similac in business. Also, if any of you happen upon diaper coupons or Similac coupons I would really appreciate having those.
The dinners have been so wonderful and the help I received from friends last week was a lifesaver. I plan to still request some help, everyone seems to really want to come over and hold these babies so I'm going to let them!!! With the four hour schedule it won't be as hectic for me during the day but the help and just having company in the house is very much welcomed.
Something I find amazing is Elle and her friends. When I was a teenager we generally avoided the houses where the parents were not only asleep but hopefully not even home and of course we would never go hang out with a bunch of babies. Our house is full of teens around the clock! And they HELP! They wash up, put on a smock/scrubs and grab whoever is crying at the time if my hands are full. Who does that????? I think I have some sort of legal obligation to that but these kids could be out LIVING, instead they are here stopping their movie or Wii game and truly helping. One friend even made a beautiful CD of music to play while holding the babies- full of songs about daughters, love and stuff. Maybe this generation will be alright after all. I did see two of them texting each other in the same room instead of talking though...
I think of all these things I want to post in the blog while I'm feeding the kids but by the time I get to the computer I'm blank! Maybe now I will have more time to keep it up with my extra hour between each feeding. I will post more as I find the time! Thanks for the food, help and most of all the prayers. Our babies are so healthy (their lungs are FINE, we can make an audio if you'd like) that I have time to crab about things that don't matter, like what's wrong with my body... why do I look like I am 5 months pregnant and how long will it last???? I know I look better than before- it probably couldn't get worse but it is annoying.
Call anytime, I love to catch up with people and have 1 1/2 hours to chat while feeding the girls. Other than that I forget that I can make out going calls too. My brain is fried after the feedings.
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