My doctor's visit went well, the girls are doing great and are very active. I was feeling great on Tuesday also but I paid dearly for it on Wednesday. I slept all day and never felt completely rested. I am now back in my bed upstairs and it is making a difference in how much sleep I am getting.
I have lots of "fun" side effects to this pregnancy like: swelling of the hands and fingers, violent heartburn, pregnancy "mask" on my face. Those are all my own, no one else here knows what all that feels like (the pregnancy mask doesn't hurt, I'm just vain and HATE it). But there is one side effect that I share with the whole house. I snore like I'm cutting down a a redwood forest. Needless to say, I sleep alone! From what I'm told, it's pretty obnoxious. I didn't realize it until Elle stayed one night in the sunroom with me and told me about it. Dave then finally admitted that sometimes he could hear me upstairs... while I was downstairs! UGH!
The baby books are started, my things are laid out to go to the hospital and we are getting a list of names narrowed down. Things are coming together but we still pray the girls will hold out for another 3+ weeks. There is a small chance that they could come home with us after my 4 days in the hospital from my C-section. It will make things hard at home to care for me and them but they would have such a healthy start- although I was looking forward to hosting a Happy Hour in our private NICU suite one evening!
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