May 25, 2010 will go down as one of my favorite days of the year, my girls came out into the world, healthy and beautiful. It was a whirl wind of events, monitoring, ultrasound and then off to the doctors office for his part which lasted about a minute! He read my protein test and I was told that it was time for the girls to come out. My blood pressure was high and waiting could be harmful to me or the babies so we set off to the hospital which was magically around the corner from his office. I thought at least the walk over would take more time but before I knew it we were on our way to a room and checking in. I called Elle to tell her to get off of work and tried to remain calm, I spoke softly and said the girls would be born today and she screamed, "OK, I'm on my way!!!" and hung up. Dave said to get her back on the phone, she would need someone else to drive her, she was way too pumped up to drive. She finally calmed down and took down a list of what I needed for their birth and had a friend bring her up.
Thank goodness Mary had been by the house to visit me earlier and when she had offered to run an errand for me I agreed and asked her get the book, "On the Day You Were Born". I had been up in the middle of the night the week before and thought it would be neat to have that book signed by everyone who was at the girls birth- doctors, nurses, visitors, family etc. She was so sweet to get the book and drop it off before I had left for my doctor appt. so we happened to have it with us in the car. That book became my comfort inside operating room, I was insanely stressed about the operation and watching the staff sign the book and think it was sweet helped me out- slightly. I was REALLY freaked out. I thought the room would be bigger and the 15 people crammed inside there was very daunting! Dave could see me through the window while he waited in the hallway and said I looked pretty upset. The staff was all wonderful, wiping my tears and talking to me. It really happened fast, there were cries within 3 minutes of Dave joining me in the room. He stood up and peeked over the sheet once and said that was MORE than enough!
After all the ladies were "out", Dave looked like a pinball- bouncing all over the room. "Dad, come over here and cut the cord. Dad, move. Dad, come over here for the footprints. Dad, move over here. Dad, here's a bracelet- wait for more". He of course kept coming by to check on me and the girls were brought to me one by one. I had a very hard time seeing them from my angle, all bundle up but I managed a kiss on each before they left for their weights.
Elle joined Dave in the room where the girls were weighed, I just found that out by watching the
video! Also, I didn't even know he cut the girls cords until I heard him tell someone- it was a crazy time. She was so excited and we have a wonderful video and lots of pics that only a parent think are beautiful.
I was taken to recovery for about an hour and a half and had visitors already- Mary was there with another book, "On the Night you Were Born". So sweet!!! Someone always stayed with me- Elle, Dave, my Mom etc. It was finally time to wheel me to the NICU to see my girls for the first time, name and hold them. Elle told me that she already knew who was who from the list of names we had decided on. I said wait, don't tell me and we will see.
I got to the first crib (clear open bin) and I immediately said, "Sophia Marie". That gorgeous little face! She was placed into my arms and those are my favorite photos of Dave and I since I let him marry me ( he should write a blog if he wants any input). Next was a baby that looked exactly like Elle when she was born, yet 1/2 the size. I knew it was our Marleigh Juliette. I had to grab my mother's attention so she could hear that we named a baby in her honor. She welled up with tears and said how wonderful it was and that we could change it now if we wanted to, it was enough that we had thought of it and offered it- she is a hoot! That made the last little lady our beautiful Brooke Elyse. It was a wonderful thrill to "meet" them finally.
Marleigh and Sophia were initially placed on oxygen, Marleigh our big girl needing the most with a CPAP- forced air, I think and Sophia on assitance with oxygen. Both girls were off before the night was over and everyone was breathing on room air- a big deal!!!!
I was taken to my room, the family all left and I slept with a feeling of peace and love on my face and in my heart.
More of the story to come in the next few days! I'm whooped!!!!