Julie A. had her boy, Will, 5 days after this shower!!!
Congrats to the Arnold Family!

Hello All- week 24 is just about over- making a full 6 months of pregnancy. And wouldn't you know it, things are starting to slide down hill a little. I must have had too much fun yesterday after the ultrasound eating at restuarants, three to be exact, and somehow had a TON of salt. I woke up today with one regular ankle and one huge swollen foot and ankle. I'm not sure why it's not evenly distributed but thank goodness I can hide it with long pants.
Also, a strange aliment has begun- carpal tunnel syndrome!
My trusty book told me that the swelling throughout my body can lead to pressure on the nerves in my wrists and hands. The book suggested using wrist guards until it goes away after the kids are born. Now my "trusty" doctor also had some plum advice- walk around with your hands in the air. I'm not lying- no joke- those are his exact words. Look at what you can do with medical degree!!! Needless to say, typing and writing are becoming a chore- typing is easier than writing so far. It really acts up during the night for some reason and when I wake up I have to wait for the feeling to come into my hands and slowly work the fingers so I can grab things. So, if I owe you a thank you note, please be patient- I can only do 2 at a time and then I have to take a break. Sorry- don't tell Miss Manners on me!!!
One bathroom has begun and now all my vertical time is spent dealing with that- getting extra tile, caulk to match the nifty lifetime no sealing EVER grout, and picking out vanity tops. I'm thrilled with how things are going but all the baby stuff is on hold. Dave is working very hard at his day job so I run all the errands that I can with my schedule of laying down 3 times a day. Then when Dave comes home he finishes whatever project I started and then stopped because it was too much for me and then tends to the bathroom project to make sure it's done right.
As you can see from the pics above, only Baby B was cooperative at the ultrasound. I have only 10 pictures and these two are the ones I can tell what they are- I have no idea what the other pics show. At least she was in a better mood than a few weeks ago. I am feeling lots of kicking from all three girls.
It may sound crazy but they now have the ability to hear so I started reading to them. I did this for Elle when I was pregnant and it really worked to resite the book when she was upset- almost like swaddling- a memory from the womb. I have been waiting for week 24 when they can hear to begin their book: Guess How Much I Love You. I read up to three times a day- during my down time when they are active and "listening". Dave thinks it's crazy and refuses to read the Baby Beluga book we choose for him to read to the girls. Party pooper!!!
I found the sheets for that darned crib mattress! UGH- it may be cute but it is a total pain. At least that is off my list. Also, my nifty diaper bag came today. I will begin filling it up for our first trip out... about 3 months after they come home from what I understand. Most pediatricans will want a preemie baby not to go in public for about 3 months. This is what some other triplet mom's have told me. We can have visitors so be sure to come by after the girls come home and check here for pictures of them and their progress. But beware, evidently I am going to become a germ freak about handwashing and holding the girls- apologies in advance. I have heard this from several multiple moms and books too.
Oh, by the way, my "trusty" doctor told me he didn't know what I was doing but it sure was working. I am doing great health wise, as long as my hands are in the air, and the girls are gaining significantly:
Baby A: 1lb, 8oz up 8oz from 2-22-10
Baby B: 1lb, 12oz up 11oz from 2-22-10
Baby C: 1lb, 10oz up 9oz from 2-22-10
I'm sure all this wonderful progress is the work of the prayers so please keep them up! I'm sure my lazy, grazy napping/feeding schedule is helping too- but I really think the prayers are the ace in the hole on this one!
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