Sophia, Brooke and Marleigh
5 months old, Oct. 25th
Happy Halloween to everyone! This year is all about us, the adults, having fun with the babies. Maybe even next year I'll get to choose their costumes but after that it will be all their show. It's been quite hard to catch all three smiling but thanks to my mom making antics and singing, they all smiled for this group pic. Marleigh always smiles and her whole body smiles with her- her arms and legs curl up and join in the celebration!! Sophia smiles the most when we sing her special song or when she is held up by our faces. Brooke smiles and laughs when she is kissed on her cheeks and nose.
We are part of a neighborhood playgroup and we finally made it to someone else's house. We had it at our house twice since it's hard to get my girls somewhere at 4pm. Brooke absolutely loved being somewhere new and watching all the big kids (1 and 2 years old) run around. Sophia played nicely with her toys but Marleigh was slightly fussy. She was only happy when held which surprised me since she seems like the smiley party girl. It's exciting to already be hanging out with the kids my girls will start school with in 5 years.
We are trying to do more with the girls which has been good for us too. We took them to the park for Elle's senior pics and had their pics taken too; they were only fairly cooperative. We have also been to the park to meet our friends and their kids, running errands etc. It's getting harder to get out and go for walks or to run errands since they tend to fall asleep while riding along and then mess up their nap time which then messes up the entire day!
Have a wonderful Halloween!!!