It has been quite a busy 2 weeks for us. The rooms are painted and coming along nicely. The downstairs nursery is a beautiful light blue and the upstairs nursery is a cream and light green. I am very happy with how things are turning out- all of the pretty pink things look so good against those colors.
I met up with a group of triplet/quad mom's for dinner last week and had a very good time. They all were very settled in with their label of triplet mom and probably didn't appreciate me bringing it to the attention of our waitstaff that I had triplets and between all of us at the table there were 61 kids. These ladies just wanted to go out and have some fun together and I just had to tell on us! Everyone was very, very nice and gave some great advice for the busy months ahead.
On Thursday Elle passed her driving test, got licensed and insured and drove off to work by 5pm! She is being very responsible about our rules and extremely helpful about running errands. I am thrilled to be finished with the driving and that she is all set to be able to take care of herself when I go on bedrest. (no date for that thank goodnesss!!)
I had a surprise baby shower at work on Friday that I ruined because I came in early that morning to get some work done before I begin training the new receptionist. I felt bad about ruining all of the hard work- I know they wanted me to walk off the elevator at 10am and right into the party but oh well- being the awesome people they are they understood.
I began to cry the minute I walked in the room- it was filled with pink and white everywhere and the HUGE cake had 3 darling babies in the center of flowers. Besides being so wonderfully supportive emotionally with everything, they absolutely spoiled me and the girls with gifts. I cried at almost every card and gift. Along with the gifts everyone brought food for a huge lunch buffet and also helped me load all the goodies to my car later. I have had so much fun unpacking everything- small diapers on the main floor, larger diapers in the basement, clothes upstairs, bottles and bibs filling my kitchen! Many gifts were handmade and just darling! Some cute little hats that have ears, darling burp cloths and then 2 out of 3 blankets knitted for the girls. I loved that the 2 blankets included an I.O.U. for the third!!! I don't know how she finds the time to knit all of that with a full time job. Everyone's thoughtfulness and extreme generosity to me and my whole family is amazing and makes me feel so special.
Now, about today's ultrasound. Those little angels are full of personality. Yesterday at church, Baby B would just go crazy when the organ played! We thought she was a fun little musical one until we saw the possibility of which finger she is using in the picture above- she may prove to be more difficult than Baby A. Baby A may just be shy instead of difficult. We had initially labeled (children LOVE labels-LOL) Baby C as the lazy baby but today she was moving so much the tech could hardly get the pictures. The whole thing was funny- Baby A wouldn't allow picture, Baby B might have flipped us off, and Baby C wouldn't stop moving. We are in for some serious fun with these three personalities.
Weight: Baby A: 1lb up 5oz from 2/1/10
Baby B: 1lb, 1oz up 7oz from 2/1/10
Baby C: 1lb, 1oz up 6oz from 2/1/10
The doctor is very happy with my progress and the girls growth so far. Things look good and I hope to make it through March at home taking it easy. I can't imagine how big I will be by April so I feel like the possibility of bedrest is likely then just due to my enormous size. I am putting myself on a strict schedule adding rest time as each week goes on. I feel so terrific with energy and exictement that I have to stop myself and rest. By the end of March I will probably be down more than I'm up! That should help my body deal with all the weight it has to carry around- or even just the chore of rolling over- UGH!!!
I hope to post more pictures soon of the shower, the showers to come, and the rooms as they get finished.
Please keep up the prayers for all six of us and also the people on the road while Elle drives. Tee hee!!!!