After a very long and painful journey with infertility, we were finally at the day of our blood test, October 21, 2009. My blood was taken and I asked the office not to call us, under ANY circumstances, and to wait for Dave to call when he had time. When it's negative news, you need to be prepared, alone and sitting down. I would then call Dave when I finished work at 2pm. I began crying at 2:01 that day, on the way to my car. I started calling him but there was no answer. I sort of hoped he was waiting at my car with good news but he wasn't so I started home. He finally called as I was driving. He was at a job site near our home and was trying to get there before me so we could celebrate together! The test was positive!!!!
The doctors office was so excited that they called Dave earlier and told him as he sat in his office with his partner. He had known for hours and was plotting how to tell me- one choice was to wait by my car! He decided he would be at home when I arrived but got held up. I called the doctors office to get my numbers (pregnacy hormone) and they were high. She said that it could be one or more. I began day dreaming of twins! I use to walk around the house saying to myself, I want to fill this home with children, and my chance was on it's way... little did I know how full this house would become.
Well, the news just pulm wore me out and I slept for a hour or so. Next was to tell Elle that she will now be a big sister, finally! Being the hip parent, I texted her and she responded in all caps that she was thrilled too! After that we just went about our business, never acknowledging the possibility of more than one baby. My ultrasound was scheduled for November 7th and I was to continue my medications to sustain the pregnancy.